Modelo Integral de Ken Wilber, Teoria y Practica.
Martes 7pm-10pm
Introduccion: Kosmic Consciousness
Sesiones informativas, martes 2 y miercoles 3 de diciembre 7pm.
Taller en espanol e ingles, basado en una espléndida serie de conversaciones con Ken Wilber en donde de manera sencilla pero profunda y divertida explica de donde viene el modelo, su estructura y sus aplicaciones. El modelo integral puede verse como un super-mapa de la realidad tanto objetiva (ciencia, política, medio ambiente), como subjetiva, (valores e ideales, satisfaccion personal y cultura). Todo esto inmerso en un contexto de evolución del Espíritu, o impulso secreto que ha llevado al universo manifiesto a desdoblarse desde el Big Bang hasta la consciencia de los mas altos representantes de la raza humana como Buddha, Jesucristo o Aurobindo.
La estructura del taller consistirá de un audio de 1 hora y media en ingles, con Ken Wilber seguido de media hora de discusión y practica.
La participación en este grupo es gratuita, es importante que reserves tu lugar pues el cupo es limitado a 20 personas. El taller es facilitado por Juan Pablo Rico, estudiante de la maestría en Estudios Integrales en la Universidad John F. Kennedy de California.
Informes: Juan Pablo Rico en
Kosmic Consciousness Highlights:
• The "one taste" of the Kosmos
• Quadrants, lines, states, types, and stages-a complete introduction to the Integral Map
• Assessing your constellation of "multiple intelligences"
• The Good, the True, and the Beautiful-three realms of experience explored
• How meditation works and why it is the most reliable tool for personal development
• Feminine and masculine drives- how our biology influences our spiritual evolution
• The chakra system, a paradigm for the unfolding self
• Integral insights for artists, business people, and athletes
• Altered states of consciousness- how they can catalyze (or hinder) transformation
Disc One
The Integral Approach: the Big Three, the Quadrants, and the Linesof Development
1. Introduction
2. Ken Wilber: Kosmic storyteller
3. Integral map-making
4. I, We, and It-the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
5. The Four Quadrants
6. The Lines of Development
7. The special importance of cognitive development
Disc Two
Evolution Enfolds: the Stages of Development
1. Introduction
2. The Stage conception
3. What does "spiritual" mean?
4. Levels, structures, stages, waves
5. Are we evolving as a species?
6. The dangers of evolution
7. Reincarnation and human development through the life cycle
Disc Three
From Identification with self to Realization of the Self
1. Introduction
2. A simple model of development
3. Divination, astrology, and the pre-trans fallacy
4. From mythic to integral, and beyond
5. What techno-economic base will emerge to support integral consciousness?
6. The widening of identity
7. "Center of gravity" and the developmental line of the self
8. Was Ramana Maharshi an integrally realized world teacher?
Disc Four
States of Consciousness
1. Introduction
2. Waking, dreaming, and deep sleep-the gross, subtle, and causal realms
3. Your Original Face-the ever-present Witness
4. How the experience of altered states leads to the acquisition of higher stages of development
5. An integrally informed approach to psychedelics
6. Levels and fields of subtle energy
7. Can you rank evolution by species?
8. The Wilber-Combs Matrix
9. The momentous leap from first tier to second tier consciousness
Disc Five
1. Introduction
2. Typology and the Integral Map
3. Gender tendencies and masculine and feminine modes of being
4. Rights and responsibilities, freedom and fullness
5. Making love in the gross, subtle, and causal body
6. Androgyny, bisexuality, and the cultivation of masculine and feminine sexual energy
7. Combining vertical scales with horizontal systems of typology
8. Will new elements be added to the integral map?
Disc Six
The Precious Opportunity of Human Birth
1. Introduction
2. Ascending, descending, and non-dual spiritual orientations
3. What is the goal of human development?
4. The realization of One Taste
5. Precious human birth
6. The seven chakras correlated with states and stages
7. What happens when an enlightened being dies?
Disc Seven
Developing Witness Consciousness
1. Introduction
2. The Inexpressibles
3. EEG evidence of brain states associated with satori
4. How meditation accelerates vertical development
5. Does writing strengthen the witness?
6. Turiya: the fourth state of consciousness
7. Highlights of Ken Wilber's personal experiences with meditation
8. Breakthroughs, downturns, and plateaus in Ken Wilber's process of awakening
Disc Eight
Integral Transformative Practice
1. Introduction
2. The transmission of non-dual awareness
3. How can we understand the uneven development of spiritual teachers?
4. Have we moved beyond the age of gurus?
5. Guidelines for choosing a spiritual teacher
6. Exercising body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature
7. The world of the dream and the world of waking up-the domains of psychotherapy and spiritual practice
8. The Ego-ego axis
9. Does prayer accelerate human development?
Disc Nine
The Basic Moral Intuition
1. Introduction
2. The greatest depth for the greatest span
3. Animal rights, abortion, capital punishment-ethical dilemmas that involve evaluating the depth of sentient life
4. What about vegetarianism and the basic moral intuition?
5. When is war justified?
6. Integral peace-making and the vision of a World Federation
7. Diplomatic lying
Disc Ten
Applying the Integral Model
1. Introduction
2. Speaking AQAL-the language of an all-quadrant, all-level approach
3. Integral art
4. Is there a 3-D visual model for the integral map?
5. Ken Wilber applies his theory of literary criticism to his own work
6. Is understanding the integral model necessary for human development?
7. Should we consider a work of art separate from the ethics of the artist?
8. An all-quadrant, all-level story of the future
image from Integral Institute